Components Mission of Accounting and Management Schools of Public Universities

  • Hortensia Hernández Vela Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
  • Armando Medina Jiménez Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
  • Jesús Job Reza Luna Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango


Public state universities of Mexico have an explicit mission and almost all of their business school accounting or administration schools normally grouped in the same faculty have their own mission, the purpose of which is to be the frame of reference to guide the priority decisions that are made within of the institutions. This research, is a systematic study analyzing the mission statements defined by the same institutions, to answer the research questions: about What are the components of the mission statements of the business schools of Public Universities in Mexico? The relevant components and/or statements referred to in the mission statement of these schools are identified through content analysis and categories are subsequently established, using analytical coding to identify the concepts that share or differentiate the institutions in relation. with its mission. Identifying four interrelated categories: Institutional Principles related to identity, context, attributes and institutional values; Purpose, related to ends that are trying to reach through development expressed in various aspects that the institutions consider important; Formation related to the professional profile and Process with the generation, application and diffusion of knowledge, highlighting the isomorphism that missions present in their statements.