Creativity and critical thinking in the training of public accountants: the case of the BUAP

  • Blanca Hortencia Morales Vázquez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Rebeca Muñoz Velázquez Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla


There is a consensus that as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, education is at a turning point, which implies a change of era, higher education is no exception, given that the change from face-to-face to Non-attendance triggered and exacerbated inequalities between institutions and within them. One of these inequalities is related to learning, the backbone of student training. A special consensus of the new era of higher education is to reassess the role of the teacher and learning, in terms of what happens in the training process, which puts in the crosshairs of criticism and therefore of analysis the one that the student as a builder of his training and knowledge for his substantial improvement. For the student to be the builder of his training requires generating creativity and critical thinking. The research addresses, in the case of the public accounting student, their creativity and critical thinking skills.