Product, Process and Strategic Innovation: A Scene of Future and Current Entrepreneurs in Mexico

  • Nery Elena Rodríguez Valencia Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana
  • Rodrigo Alejandro Olivares Contreras Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana


In the business, academic and scientific field, innovation has gained prominence as a preponderant factor for the success of economic development. The aim of this research is the relationship between current and future Mexican entrepreneurs, through a comparative study between the levels of product, process and market differentiation. This comparison was made through a quantitative, correlational study with a non-experimental cross-sectional design that uses the database of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor México 2015. With the results of this analysis, it is verified that the future entrepreneurs have a greater degree of innovation in products, processes and market differentiation. As a future contribution, it was proposed to replicate the analysis where variables such as the industry sector or longitudinal studies provide relevant information to the field of study involved.